Sunday, July 15, 2007

So, I wonder sometimes if anyone even reads this stuff. I never get any comments, but then, I have visited others' blogs and not commented. I suppose this is a journal of sorts, but I don't totally bare my soul here. I hope that some of my friends read here, to keep up with what's going on in my life. If that's who you are, I'd love it if you left me a comment/note to say you've been here.

Does this bother anyone else? We were watching Cartoon Network the other night. First off, they were pushing a movie, one featuring the characters that are fast food, can't remember the name right now, Like the Hunger Force or something. So they put the movie in a tiny window on the bottom left of the screen and then do ads about it that cover 1/2 to 3/4 of the TV screen, even blotting out a character's face in the cartoon we were watching! The other thing I hate is when the ad in the middle of the show makes noise over the soundtrack. If they didn't all do it, I would boycott, but my brain can't handle that much silence in a day; I need something to keep my mind from thinking about the pain. It's still extremely irritating though! Any ideas how we can get them to stop? I'm thinking on it.