Thursday, May 17, 2007


I had a brainstorm yesterday. Nothing earth-shaking, but it solves a problem in the household. When I have my laptop in the living room, I need the light on to see the keyboard, but using the overhead light bothers Randy and the only lamp in the room is next to the couch she stretches out on. I have been waiting to get to Borders, because the chorus gave me a $20 gift card as my 'retiring president' gift, but today we decided to go to the mall, because Randy got a little massager that was perfect for doing acupressure points, but it had stopped working before 2 days had gone by and she wanted to return it. (Wait for it, I'm gonna connect these in a minute! ;) Today is her birthday and I wanted to get her a gift. Anyway, I also realized that Borders and Waldenbooks are the same company, so I went to the one in the mall and got...Tah-Dah...a book light, a well as another Pern book by Anne and Todd McCaffrey. The book light clips neatly on the laptop, the LED should never burn out and it uses AAA batteries. I can see what I need to without turning the overhead light on, we save electricity and Randy will be happy that it isn't shining in her eyes! Oh, and her gift is very cool, I found a commuter mug that plugs into the lighter socket! She will love it, if the bottom of the mug fits well into the cup holder; which it looks like is should!

Went to CVS. You may have read my previous rant on that subject; things have improved some, although the one pharmacist continues to make things more difficult when he can. Anyway, I now have become chatty with the pharmacy asst. whom we have nicknamed 'Fishface' (although not to her face) and I mentioned that I will be transferring to Medi-Cal once the SSI kicks in and asked if the RX coverage is better. Turns out they only cover 6 RXs a month and the rest have to be done as TARs (Treatment Authorization Releases)! Eek, that will be 6 or more TARs for my Dr. to write up. I thought this was going to be better and now come to find out it may be harder to get the meds I need! I will try and not stress out about this until I have confirmed this as a fact and see if my Dr. is bothered by it. I'm sure she has other patients on Medi-Cal.

Yesterday I actually got my annual letter written. I always have great intentions of writing to my friends and family more often, but it rarely ever happens. Huh, kind of like my novel writing. Right now I am waiting until I get the desk in my room, because I feel very self-conscious about talking to the computer in front of Don & Randy. Silly, I know, but there it is, it's a problem. I have emailed the link (I publish it online for my web-savvy friends and family) to a bunch of people and now have to sit down and figure out whose emails have become defunct and whether or not I have alternate contact info for them. Next I begin printing it and mailing it out to those holdouts who still use snail mail. That reminds me...I need to add to that letter that my cell phone is not working right and I need people's phone numbers. Dang, I loved having all my numbers in the cell phone, because I used to have to carry a sheet of my most often called numbers. We'll see what kind of a settlement I get; I may just replace the stupid thing. I also saw a cute little Dell laptop (the Dell XPS M1210, to be precise) at the mall that I want to check out, it is way smaller, which would be an advantage; this one is heavy and bulkier than my old ThinkPad, which surprised me. Oh the plans I have for that money! I'm guessing/hoping that it will be around $9,000. I'll have a whopper tithe, most of which will go to the little Costa Mesa church I had to give up going to when the drive became too much.

Tomorrow I plan to start the South Beach plan. I only have to give up bread and potatoes and after 2 weeks whole grain bread is allowed. Yams are allowed, but the baked potato will now be relegated to an infrequent treat, sigh. Tonight we are going to D&B's with Eben, since it is his birthday this week also. Must go check my email now.


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