Friday, August 10, 2007

Finally, Some News That Would Make Robert Fulghum Proud and Some That is Making Catholics Cringe

Remember that great book, Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten? Well here is a medical blog entry that upholds one of its premises. Napping Makes You Smarter! Who knew? I do remember that when I was in 1st Grade a family friend took care of me after school and she wanted to do the right thing, so she would try and get me to practice my printing and spelling. It would just put me in the worst mood! I complained to my mom and she asked the sweet lady not to push me. See, if I'd just taken a nap, it would have been all better. I think I should write and tell her so. Yes, her name is Iris; she has outlived my mother by more that 20 years and I still write her when I can. So, she did get me to write, and spell well, after all!

A few years after that, while I was in 3rd grade, my mom came into possession of a 6th grade reader, because she worked for the church and, by extension, the parochial school I attended. I started reading it with perfect comprehension and my love for reading was born. Not much longer after that I began running out of reading materials, but not before I read all the way through the sex education book my mom had bought to read to me. She had paperclipped the more explicit pages together, but I read those too. Soon she had to declare even the Reader's Digest Condensed Books in our book cupboard okay for me to read. She would caution me, after a trip to the library, to ration my reading, but once I got started I couldn't stop.

Speaking of sex education at a young age, Fox 25 News in Boston announced that the city has a problem with a billboard too close to the Catholic School in Dorchester. You can see the piece they did on it here...Condom Billboard Placement Leaves Residents Shaking Heads. I have mixed thoughts on this one. For one thing, the last I heard the Catholic Church was still not condoning birth control, but these kids will have to face that reality sooner or later. With kids experimenting with sex earlier and earlier, maybe it's not such a bad idea. The lady who runs the nearby daycare center says she doesn't want to have to explain it to her 8 year old son, though. And, obviously the Church has some clout, because the last thing the reporter says is that the billboard will be gone by the time school starts!

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