Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Weekend

It's strange, because I really hadn't thought about this in particular for years, but this year I am acutely aware that this is the time of year my mother passed away. I remember all the flags on the other graves, at the gravesite. Last year I was at Potrero War for this weekend, but we are talking at least 20 years or more ago. Okay, I just figured out the math; she died in 1983, so it was 24 years ago! So why now? No idea, guess I have to wait and see if there is a reason.

This year I'm home with the cats, while Don & Randy are down in Potrero; it's their first trial run with the new pavilion for The Open Arms Bardic Hall. No one was signing up for the performance time slots; hopefully they signed up once they got there! I've just had so many weeks of late where I ended up overdoing it and then losing the rest of the week to exhaustion.

So far Tyler has attacked my arm when I reached for the TV remote and Skittle has bitten me about 5 times when I've tried to discipline her. I used arnica salve on the scratch/bruise from Tyler and it already seems to be fading some. I love our cats, but I sure do hate the scratches and bites. With Skittle I figure it's a kitten thing and she is possibly a feral baby. But Tyler never used to do this. She almost bit my nose the other day; I just managed to pull my head back far enough for her to miss. For sure when my settlement comes in, I need to have her seen. A lot of the attacks seem to relate to her paws being touched or moved, so maybe she is getting arthritis in them. With Amanda we used to give her Rescue Remedy. She would wobble around, I think it made her a tad tipsy, but she stopped her constant complaining.

I went to a group mtg (my first) for Project Dulce and asked Lisa about going on to phase two of the South Beach program, since I can't seem to manage to get through the first phase. She said that's fine, so now my eating is easier now. I also got pre-cooked chicken from Henry's, for this weekend.

My plan for the weekend is to work on my bedroom and I also want to make a few phone calls, to Sherrie and to Carol, my friend in TX. So far I've not done much of anything but watch TV and eat! Now I need to do some dishes! That won't be fun, it gives me a terrible backache. I guess I'll do it in short spurts. Don was just too tired from packing for Potrero to do it before they left. Anyway, I'm just blathering on about stuff that no one else probably even cares to read about. So I'm out of here.

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